Aux Halles du Mercantour

Catered takeaway dishes, including many specialties from Nice, validated by the Cuisine Nissarde label.

I've been living in Saint-Martin-Vésubie, on the edge of the Mercantour, for over 10 years, and I'm committed to keeping the culinary tradition of Nice alive through my preparations and ready-made dishes such as ravioli, gnocchi, pissaladière, panisses, barba juan, stockfish, etc...
Many of my recipes are packaged in sterilized tins, making them easy to transport and long-lasting.
We work with local producers of honeys, jams, cheeses, eggs, etc. on a short-run basis.
Buffets and events, giant paella at home.
I make my own charcuterie in my butcher's shop, so I can offer you tasty, high-quality products.


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