Le Menteur
From 26 to 28 March 2025
Like a disco ball, Julia Vidit and her troupe electrify Corneille's baroque comedy in a universe mixing the 17th century and the 1980s, and hold up a mirror to us in which it is disturbing to look at ourselves.
In 1643, after the success of Le Cid, Corneille wrote an autobiographical comedy. The Liar depicts all the hypocrisy of the class society of his time through the character of Dorante, a young man who invents a life for himself to take his place in a world where appearances are law. The more he lies, the more we believe his rants. When we think we finally perceive the truth, disillusionment sets in... Amoral and individualistic, Dorante takes those around him to the heart of an intrigue where everyone will have to face their own mask.
Pierre Corneille
Adapted by Julia Vidit, Guillaume Cayet
Directed by Julia Vidit
With Joris Avodo, Aurore Déon, Adil Laboudi, Lisa Pajon, Karine Pédurand, Jacques Pieiller [distribution in progress]
Wednesday March 26 - 8 p.m.
Thursday March 27 - 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.
Friday March 28 - 8 p.m.